In an online culinary experience with an extra tasty at home add-on, La Palma Celebrity Chef Craig Harding, S. Pellegrino and Sobrii brought foodies and cocktail fans from across Canada together, and the results were Italy Unboxed.
Looking at a person, brand or influencer’s profile, you’ve likely noticed that giveaway posts can be a lightning rod for likes, comments and shares on Instagram, and what business wouldn’t want a piece of that engagement pie?
A major product staple in restaurant kitchens across the country, London, Ontario based-spice & seasoning brand Club House For Chefs has had a consistent presence complete with a voice of support for operators and the Canadian foodservice community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Traditional Conestoga Farms workshops would have seen guests, egg cartons and our host gather at a lively kitchen-style venue in person. Instead, we were able to recreate the same eggciting magic through the power of digital platforms.
As the Division President (Eastern Canada) of Affinity Group Canada, Vince DiMaria oversees the development and upkeep of business relationships and strategical executions between distributors, manufacturers and restaurateurs in the Canadian foodservice industry.