
  Lights, camera, action! Martha Stewart, the queen of all things culinary and domestic, has graced the silver screen with her presence in a delightful culinary cameo. In this cinematic gem, Stewart plays herself, bringing her signature charm, elegance, and expertise to the forefront. Let's delve...

In the world of food, there are destinations that capture the hearts and palates of culinary enthusiasts. Prince Edward County, nestled in Ontario, Canada, has emerged as one such haven for foodies seeking unforgettable gastronomic experiences. At Branding & Buzzing, we're excited to delve into...

The food service industry is sizzling hot, but competition is fierce. In this landscape, food marketing agencies are wielding a new secret weapon: artificial intelligence (AI). AI is going beyond just sci-fi movies and is revolutionizing the way restaurants and food brands reach their customers....

At our marketing agency, Branding & Buzzing, we firmly believe in the power of industry gatherings to drive innovation, collaboration, and meaningful connections beyond the confines of restaurant walls. Over the years, we've had the privilege of sharing insights alongside celebrity chefs and industry experts...

Can a food brand become a sensation on TikTok? Achieving viral status on platforms like TikTok and Instagram can propel your brand to new heights. Influencers can generate substantial revenue through sponsored content and appearances, but the key often lies in creating at least one...

Hey friends! NEWS ALERT from our team at Branding and Buzzing: we're hitting the road for a 4-city tour across 3 different time zones. Our goal? To host awesome events highlighting American spirits who have never hit Canada and are looking for representation. Thanks to the...

In today's digital age, where consumers are inundated with advertisements and marketing messages from all angles, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to cut through the noise and capture their audience's attention. One of the most potent tools in their arsenal? Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is...

In a previous blog post, we delved into the significance of logos. Now, let's examine two distinct companies, each endeavoring to convey a similar message. Read more about logos   Similarities between the Associations: Craft Brewing Advocacy: Both companies are actively engaged in advocacy efforts to support and advance...

  In today's digital age, Snapchat isn't just a passing trend for teens—it's a dynamic platform where brands can authentically connect with younger audiences. At Branding & Buzzing, a leading Canadian food PR agency, we recognize the immense potential Snapchat offers for engaging food enthusiasts and...

Its no secret -video content is taking center stage. With its unparalleled ability to captivate audiences and drive engagement, it's no wonder that videos are rapidly becoming the go-to format for brands looking to make an impact in today's crowded online space. According to recent data...

Brands that prioritize consistent brand messaging and increased visibility with longer, more frequent exposure are emerging as industry leaders. This approach ensures that the brand's message resonates authentically and seamlessly integrates into its natural narrative. Research indicates that 29 percent of consumers perceive promotions as...

  In the ever-evolving landscape of food marketing, where should brands allocate their precious advertising dollars? The answer lies in understanding the shifting trends and consumer preferences that are shaping the industry. At Branding & Buzzing, we're here to guide you through the debate between paid...

  As pioneers in the field of influencer marketing, our agency has been at the forefront of this transformative industry since 2011. Back then, influencers were fondly referred to as "Tweeters" or "bloggers," reflecting the nascent stages of what has now evolved into a dynamic ecosystem...

LCBO 2023 Spirits Update Representing our spirits clientele, we participated in the Drinks Ontario webinar hosted by the LCBO, gaining valuable insights into spirit sales in Ontario. Excitingly, on page 6, we discovered that sales of American whiskey have seen a notable increase. For your convenience,...

In today's digital landscape, marketing agencies are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline processes, enhance creativity, and boost campaign performance. For food brands seeking to stay ahead of the curve, integrating AI into marketing strategies can offer significant advantages. However, it's crucial to...