How do you make a social media product launch campaign for a local organic farm come to life?
This was the first question we asked ourselves here at Branding & Buzzing when we were hired on to create a viral marketing campaign for Yorkshire Valley Farms’ Organic Chicken Nuggets.
Given that YVF is local and engaged in the community we wanted to find a way to encourage a conversation around delicious and nutritious, local organically grown chicken nuggets. Therefore the goal was to extend visibility in the social media community as well as convert new and existing followers into loyal customers…hence the #ChickNDip event was born!

Gathering around for saucy conversations: Trish Harris from Branding & Buzzing checking out Neal Brothers Foods’ NEW Toasted Sesame Salad Dressing while across the room Andrea Buckett chatting with Dine Alone Records and their NEW DA Foods BBQ Sauce. — at SubZero Wolf Showroom.
Branding & Buzzing selected 10 sauce companies to compliment the organic chicken nuggets and to participate in the event. To get that perfect balance of sweet, sour and everything in between, we reached out to local sauce companies including Dine Alone Foods, Bumpercrop, Killer Condiments, The McEwan Group & Eudora Foods. We also reached out to a few international ‘must have’ sauce companies like Rossy Earle, Billy Bee, Maggi, Neal Brothers and Bonne Maman. To wash it all down, Magners Pear Cider was selected as the official Cider.
All of the participants were excited to participate in such a unique event and were kind enough to provide the product needed to host the event and create some great take home boxes full of cider, sauces and YVF Organic Chicken Nuggets.

From Left to Right: James Sculthorpe (President (Yorkshire Valley Farms), Jordan Hastings (Drummer Alexisonfire & creater DA Foods), Christian Pritchard (from ChrisCooking.com, Television Personality & Gastro Entertainer), Andrea Nicholson (Celebrity Chef & Co-Host of Food Network Canada’s Restaurant Takeover & Owner Killer Condiments) Nike Ahrens (Farmer & Owner Betolianni Organic Farms) — atSubZero Wolf Showroom.
To start we created the #ChickNDip hashtag to track as well as promote the program. We also carefully selected 10 social influencers along with our host Celebrity Gastro-Entertainer Christian Pritchard to attend the event at the Sub-Zero and Wolf Showroom in Toronto. Their job was to do what they do best…entertain and bring the YVF Organic Chicken Nuggets to life creating a heightened brand experience one tweet, status update, photo share and blog at a time!
The night turned out to be a huge success…the nuggets were free flowing and all were dipping including the President of Yorkshire Valley Farms and their farmers along with Celebrity Chef Andrea Nicholson from Canada Food Network’s Restaurant Takeover and creator of Killer Condiments, Jordan Hastings, creator of Dine Alone’s Southern Blues “Kickin’ Original BBQ Sauce” & drummer of Alexisonfire.
Oh and it just so happened that the FoodShootr App had just launched so we invited Alexander Perri & Anthony Raimondo to spread some #ChickNDip food photo love!

The founders of FoodShootr : Alexander Perri & Anthony Raimondo — at SubZero Wolf Showroom.
Everyone was dipping, mingling taking pictures, tweeting…the night was a great success but how do we keep the momentum going?
Well we’re just getting started! The campaign is still happening…so get some Yorkshire Valley Farms’ Organic Chicken Nuggets and ‘dip into’ the conversation: @YVForganic | www.facebook.com/YorkshireValleyFarms
Special thanks to all of our Chick N’ Dip Social Influencers, our venue @subzerowolf and our participants: @YVForganic @ChrisCooking @McEwanFoods @KillrCondiments @PanCanCooks @MaggiCanada @TheBumpercrop @DA_Foods @nealbrothers @eudorafoods @BonneMamanUS Billy Bee Honey