No, we’re not talking about Club House, the spices and seasonings elevating foodservice menus year-round.
Club House is a social networking app, currently only available for iOS, that allows users to gather in themed “rooms” with a catch, it’s audio only!
Unlike listening to podcasts, what you’re hearing in these rooms is real-time discussions from public figures, general users and everyone in between – when selected as a participant, not just a listener, that is.
With a 5,000 user limit on a given room, there have been major in-demand talks by big-name companies and executives, including Tesla’s Elon Musk, but the rooms can be very niche as well (by city, by industry, by expertise, by topic, etc).
While a version hasn’t been programmed for those on Android, Clubhouse currently has over 2 million signed-up users.
An advantage to using Clubhouse is the increase in the reach for your audible brand messaging. However, engagement also proves difficult as moderation capabilities of anyone you elect to speak in participation are next to none, besides dismissing speakers entirely. Because any talking is done -live- with no delay, you can’t correct or censor before the rest of the room hears it, something that has caused problematic – even offensive – instances during various talks big and small.
Speech freedoms aside, Clubhouse rooms do have the potential for your brand to create thought leader moments and dream panels, like ones you might host at in-person conferences and industry events. There may also come a time when your brand has the opportunity to sponsor someone else’s room chat, allowing for brand presence and guest appearances if negotiated.
Additional Clubhouse features currently in development, alongside the very much awaited Android integration, include tipping and ticket sales. Individual room subscriptions may also be released.
While some wonder if this quickly popular app may lose steam and go the way of Meerkat, other social networks have already taken notice and are slowly pushing their own takes on the rooms, most notably Twitter with their audible “Spaces” addition.
Not sure yet if Clubhouse is for you? That’s okay, it’s still early. However, experts recommend at least logging on to reserve your brand’s name as a username, so no one else attempts to speak on your behalf, or in parody or false affiliation.
Feature Image Credit: CNET. Room Image Credit: TechCrunch